App for parents

Follow what is going on in the kindergarten. Download the Kidplan app to your mobile phone or tablet.
If your kindergarten uses the communications solution Kidplan (previously PBL Barnehageweb), you can now download our newly-launched parent app. The app makes it easier for parents to follow what is going on in the kindergarten!
Download your app in App Store or on Google Play.
In the parent app you can:
Read daily reports about your child
In the daily report, will you get an overview of dropping off and picking up of your child, nap time and diaper changing if applicable.
This function makes it possible for the kindergarten to obtain consent from you digitally. The kindergarten enters all consents which it needs. You as a parent, you check off to approve or not approve the consents.
Have an overview of the parent list
The parent list gives you an overview of the other children who attend the kindergarten and contact information for the children’s parents. In this way, it becomes easy to send out birthday invitations and plan play dates.
Follow the weekly schedule
The calendar function displays the kindergarten’s planned activities this week. You will be able to read what the kindergarten has planned in the morning, so that you can prepare your child and send clothing and equipment that is needed.
See photos from the day
The kindergarten can create albums and post photos from activities, trips or everyday moments from the kindergarten. You will get a glimpse of the child’s life in the kindergarten so you can talk with your child about what he or she has done in the kindergarten today.
See updates on “the board”
Through board posts, the kindergarten can post short messages to all parents or post short daily reports with information about what it has done.
Send messages to the kindergarten
Through the message function, the kindergarten and parents can exchange important messages about the child, for example when the kindergarten has no more diapers. You will receive a push notification when the kindergarten has sent you a message.